What's new

Find out what's new in the latest Loreshelf release.


v1.5 - March 13th, 2021

When working in Loreshelf some notebooks require different configurations than others. Sometimes it's more practical to add new notecards to the top and sometimes it's faster to let Loreshelf order the notecards by title. Loreshelf 1.5 enables to configure each notebook separately when the default setting is not enough. I also fixed an important async issue when the last remember option didn't update in some situations. If you run on Win/Linux you may upgrade inside your app automatically through the notifications or using the menu. Mac users may install Loreshelf 1.5 here.

Placement of a newly added notecard
UX improvements

Placement of a newly added notecard

Set where a new notecard should be placed, at bottom or top, in each notebook.

Sort notecards by title
UX improvements

Sort notecards by title

Set how notecards should be sorted, by title or custom, in each notebook. Sorting by title is done automatically when a notebook is opened and a notecard is renamed.

Zen mode
UX improvements

Open a notebook in zen mode

A notebook can be set to collapse notecards when opened. This is useful when there is a lot of notecards and we are usually interested only in content of few notecards.

v1.4 - December 30th, 2020

This version includes many small improvements and fixes making its daily use more satisfying. If you run on Win/Linux you may upgrade inside your app automatically through the notifications or using the menu. Mac users may install Loreshelf 1.4 here.

Documentation is now available online. It includes the same in-app information. Loreshelf notebooks were used as an input for mkdocs tool which generated the html documentation site.

Aside the improvements below: Opening and closing an image is much faster. Fixed removal of tables and forms. Fixed copy of an icon which included spaces. CTRL+A selects all content within a block, repeat to add more. Optimized url of local images in workspaces with spaces (both versions work), and few more..

New formatting options
UX improvements

New formatting options

New slash commands and key shortcuts for code block, inline code, strikethrough and hardbreak.

App window management
UX improvements

App window management

Enable global app key shortcut to gain focus in Loreshelf anywhere or keep the Loreshelf window always above all other apps.

Links and navigation
UX improvements

Improved links and navigation

Download link info from weblinks automatically, enlarge an image using a zoom button, display a link as an icon and hover a link to see its destination url.

v1.3 - November 15th, 2020

The highlighted new feature of this release is fulltext fuzzy search. A few minor issues were fixed. If you run on Win/Linux you may upgrade inside your app automatically through the notifications or using the menu. Mac users may install Loreshelf 1.3 here.

New feature

Fulltext fuzzy search

Find notebooks and notecards which contain similar or exact text.

Open the last notebook
New feature

Open the last notebook

By default Loreshelf opens the last opened notebook. You may reset the behaviour to open the last notebook in the Preferences.

Context menu
UX improvements


Down arrow key in a table or a form moves the cursor within the same column now. Right click on a paragraph will open the context menu to copy, cut, and paste the text.

v1.2 - October 13th, 2020

This release fixes few serious issues such as remembering last opened workspaces, sorting, filtering, drag and drop notecards on the background, and improves export to PDF. If you run on Win/Linux you may upgrade inside your app automatically through the notifications or using the menu. Mac users may install Loreshelf 1.2 here.

Visual update
Visual Update

Header, table, and form visual update

The elements should better represent their function in minimalistic way.

Sorting and filtering
Bug fix

Sorting and filtering

Fixed sorting and filtering of notebooks.

Improved tables and forms
New Feature

Improved tables and forms

Added ability to add new row before and move rows (Alt+Up/Down)

v1.1 - October 4th, 2020

This release includes minor updates that are fully backward compatible. If you run on Win/Linux you may upgrade inside your app automatically through the notifications or using the menu. Mac users may install Loreshelf 1.1 here.

Dynamic check icon
New Feature

Dynamic check icon

A click on the check icon will change its state.

New Feature

In-app Documentation

Open the in-app documentation quickly from the menu.

Bug fix

Notecard headers cut off too early

The truncation now happens exactly at the end of notecard header.

v1.0 - September 3th, 2020

This is the initial release of Loreshelf.

Slash commands
New Feature

Slash Commands

Add new content with slash commands. For example headers, tables, icons, quotes, and more.

New Feature


Mention and link to the related information across notebooks and workspaces.

New Feature


Quickly enter icons to present the state of things.

New Feature


Display local and web images.

New Feature


Lock and encrypt your notebook as a password-protected zip archive that can be shared and opened without Loreshelf.

Export to PDF
New Feature

Export to PDF

Export and share the PDF notebooks with anyone.

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